DISCLAIMER: This web site is not an affiliate, intermediary or representative of the Government of Canada. We do not sell/charge or provide any immigration or government forms which are available free on IRCC website. We are paid legal representatives for all immigration matters. The legal advice (depends upon case by case), which we provide, is not available by IRCC office or its website. Our Legal advice can make your immigration case stronger with our experience and knowledge in IRPA and IRPR Regulations.

eTA / TRV Refusal

There are many reasons for refusing eTA and TRV. Firstly, it depends on the type of visa; whereas visa-exempt countries require only an eTA, visa-required countries require a TRV. In addition, an eTA takes only up to 24–72 hours to process and issue. For TRV issuance, the screening process is more stringent and takes between 2 weeks and 4 months to complete. It also depends on the traffic at the IRCC office that is processing the documents.

eTA – Refusal Reasons

Applicants from visa-exempt countries suffer eTA refusal for following main reasons:-

  • Providing a passport number that was reported lost or stolen.
  • Having overstayed in Canada on a previous visit.
  • A previous visa denial.
  • Engaging in unauthorized work on a previous visit.
  • A previous denial of entry to Canada.
  • An immigration officer is not convinced of the reasons for your visit to Canada.
  • Connections with criminal or terrorist organizations.

TRV Refusal—Reasons

Based on our experience shows the following circumstances that may cause an TRV rejection:

  • Strong family ties to Canada
  • Lack of travel history
  • Inauthentic documents
  • Current employment situation
  • Listing of personal assets
  • The financial position of the host in Canada
  • Lack of employment prospects in the native country
  • Illegal residency status in the native country
  • Length of stay
  • Applicants who want to stay longer in the country have to show a significant amount of funds.
  • Other like: Failure to provide a compelling reason for visiting Canada may result in TRV refusal.

Canadian visa authorities also refuse eTA or TRV in cases where the applicant seeks the help of an unauthorized consultant to fill out the application form and organize the supporting documentation. These consultants or agents also offer special deals, free evaluations, and guaranteed visa approvals.

Canadian law states that it is a criminal offense to indicate that a visa is guaranteed to a visa applicant. Therefore, consulting any third party which makes this kind of claim and attaching any fake invitation or host letter along with the application can result in an eTA or TRV refusal.

Working with a knowledgeable Immigration Practitioner to prepare and re-submit an eTA or TRV application often leads to higher chances of approval.

If you wish to apply for an eTA or a TRV, you can contact Service Links Canada Office today.

If you have had a previous TRV / eTA refusal, we can restart the process to reapply for the visa. You may contact our office at +66 2 003 1450 or +1 604.944.7912 or send your query to us at immigration@servicelinks.ca. We will schedule a consultation with one of our professional immigration experts.