DISCLAIMER: This web site is not an affiliate, intermediary or representative of the Government of Canada. We do not sell/charge or provide any immigration or government forms which are available free on IRCC website. We are paid legal representatives for all immigration matters. The legal advice (depends upon case by case), which we provide, is not available by IRCC office or its website. Our Legal advice can make your immigration case stronger with our experience and knowledge in IRPA and IRPR Regulations.


Misrepresentation occurs when information is provided to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) that is inconsistent, inaccurate, or incomplete.

Examples of misrepresentations could be:

  • Fail to declare that you have been refused a visa for another country.
  • Provide a document that is found to be non-genuine.
  • Fail to mention a family member in your IMM Form.
  • Declare employment experience which you did not have.
  • Obtain permanent residence by having engaged in a non-genuine marriage.

Misrepresented information can be provided (or omitted) by yourself, a family member, or your representative. In all cases, it is the principal applicant who is at fault – even if the principal applicant did not know the misrepresentation occurred.

Misrepresentation findings will have significant impact on your immigration status to Canada. If found to have Misrepresented, you and all dependent family members (spouse and children) will all be found inadmissible to Canada which will prevent anyone from obtaining another temporary or permanent resident visa. In addition, the person(s) that are found to have misrepresented will receive a 5-year ban (Inadmissible) from Canada. It is important to carefully address these allegations in a timely manner as delaying or not responding could have severe consequences.

Addressing Misrepresentation applications are complex. For advice and consultation or If you would like more information about responding to Procedural Fairness Letter by IRCC to addressing an inadmissibility or submitting TRP (Temporary Resident Permit), Contact Service Links Canada Offices in Bangkok, Thailand (+66 2 003 1450) or Vancouver, Canada (+1 604.944.7912) or check your eligibility online today. We can advise you on the best application for your situation and help you get started.


Send email to immigration@servicelinks.ca with copies of your criminal record documents.